The essence of ARC is wonder.
A private rustic island brimming with natural wonder surrounded by crystal clear waters is nothing short of a breathtaking place to begin.This is the place to restart. To rediscover what is important within you from a place of wonder.
The creative you will come out to PLAY. At artstream we take play seriously. We created this intimate summer retreat as a quiet experience for you to breathe in all that nature has to offer. While opening up to the creative play we have in store for you. With kindred spirits. And with expert guides that will help spark discovery through playful processes.
It's a deeply refreshing experience unlike any other and we want you to join us on the island this year.
Art {retreat} Camp will run August 19-23, 2015 on Mayhew Island, Newfound Lake, Bristol, NH - an untouched, forested island in a pristine freshwater lake surrounded by mountains.

Imagine going to summer camp as an adult, imagine creating in this special place alongside a small nurturing community of seasoned instructors and others like yourself.
ARC is a place to play, a quiet place to learn, a setting to be refreshed in and a time to reconnect to yourself. Whether you are a seasoned arts person or have never picked up a paintbrush, your creative self will blossom here!
All materials are included so just bring yourself, pillow, sleeping bag, flash light and what ever special goodies you like.

Refresh your soul
artstream's belief that we are born creative drives our interest in hosting this island retreat designed to open up and nurture the creative side of you.
The daily schedule has a diverse offering of creative workshops taught by top-notch teachers: Rachel Blumberg, Amy Ruppel, Jane Eslinger, Mimi Kirchner and director Susan Schwake. They will be your guides for the stay. Evenings will bring a variety of programming and there are times during the day to relax, hike, swim or canoe around the island too.
Browse our workshops, instructors pages and FAQ for more information.
ARC for me was a special place to reconnect with myself, nature and art! I have three young boys so this retreat was a luxury and a much-needed getaway. Not much needs to be said for the peacefulness of the island ... breathtaking.
I took walks in the woods to have time to think and photograph nature. The structure of the day at ARC was perfect. Two classes per day gave enough time to delve into the medium you were exploring and continue on if you needed more time. The set up and clean up by others and the fact that you did not need to bring any art materials with you was great.
The small groups kept things intimate and allowed everyone to get to know each other. The instructors were able to individually connect with each person and give feedback. And let's not forget the food!!! Scrumptious food prepared for all three meals and fun social activities at night as well! I could not have asked for a better experience. -- Kady
I gave myself the gift of ARC on Mayhew Island for having the courage to show my art for the first time at our local library and for organizing and surviving our daughter's wedding reception which was held in our backyard. It was my first workshop/retreat ever so I was a bit nervous. I shouldn't have worried. Everybody was so welcoming. The location was beautiful and the food terrific.
The workshops I attended were fun and inspiring and I was thrilled to meet some people with whom I had taken online classes or had read their book or blog. But the best part for me was being with like minded people-people who spoke art and lived art. -- Anne Nester Nelson (Proud graduate of the Jack Shack!)