Susann Foster Brown |
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Susann Foster Brown |
I draw what I see, but I tend to see the eccentric, the well worn, and the overlooked. I try to put on paper images worth keeping and when a viewer reacts with a smile or a pang of recognition I am rewarded.
We live in a time where the pace and texture of everyday is often in response to technology and high tech gadgets are "king. I seek instead the comfort of a quieter time. My contentment is achieved by seeing the direct results of my work become tangible objects, whether it be drawing, printmaking, quilting, doll making, spinning, or weaving. My work is inspired by the natural world. We are each of us very small specks in the universe here for a moment only. Given the inevitable decay, the necessity to repair all we build, determined optimism that enables us to go ahead nevertheless is a most valuable human asset.
Preservation of open space, the historic landscape, the critters and plants of our region, the skills and handcrafts of our ancestors are all themes which thread themselves throughout my work. I enjoy capturing the small details the exact pattern of a patch of tree bark, the tilt of a porch floor, the fuzz on a bumblebees back, or the humor of grass growing in the crevices of an abandoned truck. I invite you to take time to enjoy the view.

Last Stand |

Two Together

Gatehouse Sisters |